New Trust Laws in South Africa
Since Omne opened its doors in 2006, we’ve often been asked whether trusts are still a good thing. We believe trusts still have a place, especially when it comes to intergenerati
Beyond the Will: The Importance of a “Love Letter” in your Estate Planning Vault
A common misconception among South African tax residents is the belief that foreign income is not taxable in South Africa, or that it only needs to be declared if taxes are paid ab
Misconception that Foreign Income is not Taxable in SA
A common misconception among South African tax residents is the belief that foreign income is not taxable in South Africa, or that it only needs to be declared if taxes are paid ab
SARS: Striving to Aid Endangered Species
The signs are clear that if we don’t get strategic about funding conservation, saving our endangered species and meeting crucial global conservation goals might be a lost cau